I used lovage from the garden for this Herbed Edamame Purée because it is growing like crazy, but dill or mint would taste lovely here. You could also try to recreate the flavor of lovage by using celery leaves and a pinch of fennel seed. I was basically looking for something with which to make a quick sauce of sorts, with a color that would be pretty and springlike on the plate.
This is great with some healthy Zucchini Pancakes, or as a sandwich spread in a sandwich of tomatoes, radishes, avocado and alfalfa sprouts on multigrain bread.
Makes about one cup.
1/2 package of shelled edamame beans (or fava beans)
1 Tbsp herb of your choice
1/8 tsp cumin
Juice and zest from one lemon
Put everything in the blender along with a quarter cup of water so that the blender blades can move.
Blitz until blended. If you want a smooth spread, you can add more water, but you will have to adjust the seasoning and add more lemon juice to compensate for that.
Check for seasoning and use as suggested.