In the US a sickly, gloppy version of this carrot-ginger dressing gets served in a lot of Japanese restaurants. I prefer my version (which is more vinegary and packs a little bit of a punch as well.) I use this sauce as a salad dressing, I pour it over cold tofu when pretending to watch my weight, or even over cold poached fish or shrimp when I am trying to jazz up a meal that feels a bit basic.
Makes a little over a cup of dressing.
2 carrots, cut into pieces so your blender can handle them (peeling is optional as long as they are scrubbed really well and organic)
1 thumb sized knob of fresh ginger (I don't peel that either but don't tell any of my Asian friends)
1/2 shallot, peeled
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 tsp sesame oil
1/3 cup plain rice wine vinegar (Mizukan is the best brand in my opinion).
1 Tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp Sriracha sauce
Bung everything in the blender and blend until the mixture is smooth and everything is the same size. Adjust seasoning - more vinegar or oil to suit your personal taste. Refrigerate and probably best to use within a week.