If, for whatever reason, you have stopped eating eggs but miss scrambled eggs on toast for breakfast or if, like me, a block of tofu goes a long way for one person and you need to divvy it up over several meals, this is the recipe for you. I was very skeptical when I first saw it but have become a convert -- I find it exceedingly healthy and feel virtuous when having it for breakfast, either on its own or on top of a piece of dense multigrain bread.
1/3 block firm tofu
1/3 shallot finely chopped
1/4 tsp turmeric
1 tsp olive oil
Generous amount white pepper
Salt to taste
This recipe cooks quickly so, if you plan on serving this with toast, pop the toast in the toaster as soon as you have turned the heat on under the pan in which you will cook the tofu.
Heat the olive oil over medium heat and, as soon as it is shimmering, add the shallots and the turmeric. A pinch of curry powder also works well here. Stir to combine and then regularly until the shallot has softened, thirty seconds to a minute.
Lower the heat. Break or grate the tofu into the pan. Stir to combine and cook just long enough for the tofu to heat through. Stir the mixture from time to time so that the tofu does not stick to the bottom of the pan.
As soon as the tofu is piping hot, remove from the heat. Add salt and white pepper, stir to combine and serve as you would scrambled eggs.
This is a three minute and twenty seven second to the table dish.